There is a Yacht Maintenance company, Wrightson Marine, LLC, which specializes exclusively in the oversight, maintenance, and preparation of boats for sale without crew. It consists of a couple of captains (who could be legitimately named on your insurance policy), engineers, deckhands, and stewardesses. The boats kept under their care are always in beautiful and ready to show, sell, and survey condition. All the systems are maintained and exercised on a regular basis, and with very little notice they will show up any day or time and professionally prepare the boat for showings (recently washed, aired-out with no musty closed-up odors, covers off, blinds open, lights on, temperature just right, music/tv’s on, doors and hatches unlocked, etc.), and then come back and close up the boat afterwards, putting everything back and protected exactly as it was. They also place a remote alarm monitor aboard that notifies them immediately on their I-Phones 24/7 if there’s a bilge or fire alarm, loss of shore-power, etc., and they respond regardless of the time of day or night, weekday or holiday. None of them lives very far away, which is why they limit their business strictly to the Fort Lauderdale area. Also, if a storm is approaching, they know exactly what to do and do it!
If the boat ever needs repair that would cost extra, but there are many things they can do themselves very inexpensively rather than calling in a specialist, but even if a sub-contractor is ever required they are very networked with the best ones and can usually get fast responses and good prices, and do not mark-up any invoice. If the boat needs to be moved for any reason (sea-trial and surveys ideally) they are extremely qualified, but naturally there is a daily charge for that, as one would expect.
I hesitate to recommend anyone anymore, but with this particular company, Wrightson Marine, LLC, I make an exception. They’re not perfect, who is? However, they are intelligent and responsible professionals, with a can-do/will-do and always friendly attitude. They also have excellent people skills. If they happen to be present if clients and brokers arrive early, and find themselves suddenly pulled into conversation, they know exactly what to say, and more important what NOT to say. They know their job is to do everything to assist in getting the boat sold, and they have proven themselves repeatedly of doing this without any conflict of interest. Ideally, having a good relationship and ability to communicate with the previous captain (perhaps having been incentivized), in case there are any idiosyncrasies or specific information that might be requested would be the icing on the cake, but typically unless it’s a custom built yacht, there is usually little need for that…