General ServicesOther Services
Air Conditioning, Boat Builder, Boatyard, Carpentry, Decking, Diesel Engine, Electrical, Electronic Equipment, Fiberglass, Fueling Systems, Furlers, Gelcoat, General Rigging, Generators, Heating Systems, Navigation Equipment, Paint, Plumbing, Pumps, Refinish/Varnish, Refrigeration, Storage, Water Makers, Winches & Windlasses
Our staff consists of highly trained professionals who are committed to delivering only the best in service to you. From general maintenance to extensive refits, structural repairs and new construction our crew's number one goal is to get the work on your boat done properly, efficiently, and economically. Place your trust in us for your boat care and you may discover your time spent on the water to be more trouble free.
11 Farwell Drive, Rockland, ME 04841