General ServicesOther Services
Air Conditioning, Brokerage, Canvas, Captain Services, Carpentry, Carpet, Communication Systems, Delivery, Detailing, Diesel Engine, Diving Services, Electrical, Electronic Equipment, Fiberglass, Fueling Systems, Furniture, Gelcoat, Generators, Hydraulics, Inboard Engine, Interior Design, Mobile Service, Navigation Equipment, Paint, Plumbing, Propellers, Propulsion Systems, Tank Cleaning, Thrusters, Trailers, Transport, Upholstery, Zincs, Outboard Motor
San Diego Boat Repair and Maintenance Services Ballast Point Yachts, Inc. (San Diego) offers boat repair, yacht management and maintenance services for every type of powerboat in San Diego. We offer a wide range of maintenance services for the local and absentee boat owner. From regular exterior washes, interior cleaning, full system checks and monthly bottom scrubs, to a full commissioning and boat repair service that can assist in mechanical / engine repair, adding or upgrading your electronics package, boat topside refinishing, upholstery, carpet, boat painting, etc – Ballast Point Yachts, Inc. can help you get it done.
1239 Scott Street, San Diego, CA 92106