Dealership - sales, chandlery, dockage, storage and complete serviceOther Services
Air Conditioning, Brokerage, Carpentry, Control Systems, Dealership, Diesel Engine, Electrical, Electronic Equipment, Engine Cooling/Heat Transfer, Engine Parts, Fiberglass, Fueling Systems, Furlers, Galley Equipment, Gelcoat, General Rigging, General Services, Haul Out, Heating Systems, Inboard Engine, Inboard/Outboard Engine, Launch, Masts & Spars, Navigation Equipment, Outboard Motor, Paint, Plumbing, Refinish/Varnish, Refit, Winches & Windlasses
Dave Irish and the Irish Boat Shop have provided service for recreational boaters in Harbor Springs since 1961, and on Lake Charlevoix since 1971. With modern, comprehensive facilities in both communities, few other operations on the Great Lakes offer such a range of available services and strength of experience. At each location, sales, chandlery, dockage, storage and complete service are integrated to assist and assure your enjoyment of boat ownership and use. The business of Irish Boat Shop is to promote recreational boating by delivering quality and value in boats and services while meeting our obligations to our customers, our employees, our communities, and the environment. Service Capabilities Finishes and Fiberglass Finishing materials and methods are continually improving. We have the skills, facilities, experience, and equipment to provide the best marine finish solutions with paints from Interlux, Pettit, Epaint, and Sea Hawk. If your hull is ready for a high gloss and colorful Awlgrip paint job, or your brightwork needs varnish with a glass-like finish, we have the specialized staff and facilities to do truly professional work. We offer expert fiberglass repair using West Systems products, and Gelcoat repair with Mini-craft and Spectrum products. We can apply anti-fouling bottom paint and no-skid deck finishes, or simply buff and wax your hull. If it floats, we will make sure it looks its best. Hoisting and Rigging Our Charlevoix yard has 20 ton and 50 ton Travelifts. In Harbor Springs, we have a 15 ton and a 35 ton Travelift. Using Travelifts, hydraulic cranes, and hydraulic trailers, our skilled staff will move your boat and equipment gently and safely. We launch and haul about 2,000 boats of up to 75′ each year, and each boat gets the tender care it deserves. We can coordinate boat shipment and load or unload your boat from the truck. Our sailboat rigging staff has specialized skills gained through years of sailing and repair experience. We provide installation, modifications, and repair on all sizes and types of rigs. We do everything from welding mast repairs to installing high-tech, non-stretching halyards, and expert rig tuning. We will do it right the first time. Engine and Drive Train We can maintain and repair any engine and its related systems, from the complex computer-aided power plants of the newest boats to the reliable work-horses of vintage craft. Our technicians are trained and certified to work on a wide range of diesels, gas engines, inboards, outdrives, outboards, sail drives, jet drives, and auxiliaries. We have the parts inventory, factory training, hands-on experience, facilities, and professionalism to get the job done so you can get back on the water. Woodworking Our woodworkers are trained to handle any size job from small trim repair to major rebuilding. Modifications will match the original construction in grain, color, and type of wood. If your wooden boat needs structural or cosmetic repair, we have the skills, specialized tools, and experience to do it efficiently and correctly. We have experience re-decking classic boats, identifying and removing rot, and repairing or replacing any wooden component. Several of our customers have had us modify the interior of their wood (or glass!) boat to better suit their style of living, such as changing the berthing, galley, or cabin arrangements. Have an idea? Let’s talk. Marine Electronics and Systems We service the complex electrical and mechanical systems that have become common on boats of all sizes. Our technicians have the unique qualifications needed to install and maintain boat systems, such as plumbing systems, galley appliances, heating and air conditioning, sophisticated navigation electronics, and entertainment centers. If you want it added, replaced, repaired, or upgraded, we have the products, the parts, and the ability.
13000 Stover Road, Charlevoix, MI 49720