BoatyardOther Services
Canvas, Carpentry, Diesel Engine, Electrical, Electronic Equipment, Engine Cooling/Heat Transfer, Engine Parts, Exhaust Systems, Fiberglass, Fueling Systems, Gelcoat, General Services, Haul Out, Inboard Engine, Inboard/Outboard Engine, Interior Design, Marina, Navigation Equipment, Outboard Motor, Refit
Services Provided: High quality bottom jobs Complimentary 10 point hull inspection Survey haul outs Salvage haul outs Hurricane Haul Out Club Fiberglass repair and refits Complete interior renovation projects and upgrades Popular self-help and long-term project destination. Our Contractors Pelican's Perch Boatyard maintains a comprehensive listing of qualified local marine contractors. These insured companies are available to assist with repairs from major structural fiberglass and wood to engine repowering and the latest in marine electronics and canvas repairs.
40 Audusson Ave.,, FL, Pensacola, FL 32507