BoatyardOther Services
Air Conditioning, Boat Builder, Boatyard, Commercial, Deck Equipment, Decking, Diesel Engine, Electrical, Electronic Equipment, General Services, Generators, Heating Systems, Inboard Engine, Interior Design, Paint, Refrigeration, Sandblasting/Sodablasting, Shipyard, Storage, Survey, Thrusters
* JUST 1/4 MILE OFF harbor. + Boat storage any size * Marine REPOWER and Engine shop to 1200 hp. * Hull Painting AWLGRIP, Gel kote *Pro sand blasting , boat tenting, air filter setup * Electric boat and rewires in yard * Boat building and interior layout design * Engine room and pilot house building * Sportfisher and off shore cruising setup * Decking and ship deck modifications
2646 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92113